Friday, September 13, 2013

Kindergarten is Learning about Patterns!

Because of a missed Monday (Labor Day) KA is actually a little behind KB, so KB are the first to do the new weekly projects. KA spent this week working on their "10 black dots" project and also learned about line. Here are some pictures of their work.





      Emily (picture frame out of dots) 


KB started working with patterns. On Wednesday, they used line to create patterns on different colored paper strips, then glued them to black paper. Today, we drew a cow together and put patterns in the cow's spots. Here are some pictures of the work from KB this week.






Today, KB drew a cow following along with me and decorated the spots with patterns. If they got done they could color the background. KA will do this next week.



      Ava (love the baby cows)


     Rayna (once again, love the baby cow)

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