Monday, September 23, 2013

Don't see your student's project?

Some classes aren't far enough on their projects to post pictures yet. Here are projects that you will see pictures of in the near future. 

2A and 2B should be able to finish their shape robots in class today. I will post pictures tonight or tomorrow. 

3A and 3B will hopefully finish their planets by Thursday, but may take until Friday. Pictures will be posted Friday. 

5A and 5B took their texture names home to work on as homework. They are due tomorrow and pictures will be posted by Wednesday or Thursday. 

7th and 8th graders are starting new projects this week (7A 8A) and next (7B and 8B). I will post pictures of their work as they complete it. 

KA and KB should be finishing their shape work soon and I will be able to post pictures by next Monday. 

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